Here is a comment from Dr. Lynne Williams of Oakland University, Oakland, MI that was originally posted to the CLSEDUC list about Trinity Biotech’s desktop instrument, the KC1.
“We use the KC1 in our Hemostasis class. They are a great (and less expensive) alternative to fibrometers. They are manufactured by Trinity Biotech (Amelung), and for the past two years, Trinity has offered a significant reduction from list price to educators. They exhibited at ASCLS’s Clinical Laboratory Educators’ Conference, and made the offer there, but I think they extended it to other educational programs as well.”
Lynne, may I paraphrase your comment on Fritsma Factor? I’d like to help Trinity spread the word about the KC1 and KC4 educators’ program.
Sure, George. I would love to help Trinity out, mainly because they have been so good to the educators–and you know we need all the help we can get. For two years, Kevin McGlinchy has been selling the KC1 to educational programs for half price. It is so reasonable we were able to buy 8 of them, and our students have a great learning experience now, with plenty of equipment with which to work.
Hope all is well with you!
Thank you, Lynne. I’ve asked Kevin (through John Avila) to provide a follow-up description of their KC1 and KC4 program for educators. Watch here for Kevin’s response.
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