Jan 18 2011
Just for fun, what is another (older) name for the original Russell viper venom (RVV) assay and what was its original purpose?
Comments (3)
Interesting reading about the discovery of factor X using th
Interesting reading about the discovery of factor X using the Stypven time: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=20&ved=0CFQQFjAJOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.schattauer.de%2Fde%2Fmagazine%2Fuebersicht%2Fzeitschriften-a-z%2Fthrombosis-and-haemostasis%2Fcontents%2Farchiv%2Fissue%2F738%2Fmanuscript%2F8160%2Fdownload.html&rct=j&q=stypven%20time%20test&ei=1I83TfPeL4GclgfdofmKBw&usg=AFQjCNFpWW3p3TLwf3ECHnvYstxPObbOhA&cad=rja
Joe wins the prize! The Stypven time (Russell viper venom ti
Joe wins the prize! The Stypven time (Russell viper venom time) was used when there was a prolonged PT. If the Stypven time was normal, the PT was prolonged by a factor VII deficiency, since the Stypven activates at the factor X level. We don’t use this any more because the combination of PT and PTT gives the same information. Next question, does anyone know where the name Stypven time came from?
Stypven Time? Don’t remember what it was used for.
Stypven Time? Don’t remember what it was used for.