Colleague and friend Mary Coleman, University of North Dakota referred a student in her Hematology class. The student told Prof. Coleman of a patient whose platelet count was chronically low. The student learned that a nurse told the patient there are foods that increase their platelets, such as pumpkin, kiwi, and pomegranate and wonders if this is true. The student referred to an Internet article, 9 Foods to Increase Blood Platelets.
George’s response was that in talking with some platelet experts, we’ve shown several food supplements that suppress platelet count or function, but no foods that raise the platelet count. There are a number of drugs and conditions that cause thrombocytopenia and it may be that some foods provide nutrients that help the BM compensate. Though we know of no platelet-generating foods for healthy people, we never say never!
We’d like to know if you’ve had any experience with foods that raise platelet count or function. You can publish your data here.
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