George visited the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston on Thursday, August 9 to discuss the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science partnership with the American Board of Internal Medicine Choosing Wisely initiative. A great day with Eddie Salazar, PhD and the Clinical Laboratory Science faculty. Our afternoon included a coagulation diagnostic management team (DMT) discussion led by Michael Laposata, MD, PhD, head of the UTMB Pathology Department. Participating were house physicians, residents, and four Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Science students, members of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Science.
Dr. Laposata presented a case of male, 42, scheduled for Schwannoma surgery whose PT consistently exceeded the upper limit of the reference interval by a few tenths of a second. The surgeon, concerned for the risk of bleeding, ordered plasma for 36 hours subsequent to surgery, which was then discontinued, whereupon the patient suffered an apparent intracranial hemorrhage. Dr. Laposata provided the case resolution, which will we will present on this page on Wednesday, August 15, but meanwhile, please post your opinion about the case and how it should be resolved. Please use the comment link or send your resolution to [email protected].
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