Here is a call for nominations supporting the International Society for Laboratory Hematology:
Dear ISLH Members and Colleagues,
I am writing to you to help the ISLH Nominations committee identify candidates to fill four councilor positions. Councilors are non-voting members of the ISLH Board. They are invited to attend the annual Board meeting held during the annual ISLH meeting in May and to participate in a Board meeting teleconference in December. In addition to providing their regional perspectives to the Board about ISLH mission and programs, Councilors volunteer for service and education roles which can prepare them to be future ISLH leaders.
Councilor’s service to ISLH is voluntary. There is no honorarium. The registration for the annual ISLH meeting is waived for Councilors.
The Nominating committee is particularly interested in candidates outside of North America and Western Europe in order to increase the international representation of laboratory hematology expertise among ISLH leadership.
The following countries are currently represented by Councilors: South Africa, France, Thailand, Brazil, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and India.
According to Section 1.2 of the ISLH By-laws, councilors must meet the same eligibility criteria as Board Members:
• They shall be a General Member in good standing.
• Employees or owners of any for-profit commercial or industrial company that conducts business of any kind, excluding patient services, in laboratory hematology shall not be eligible to serve as a Councilor.
It is also important for Councilors to be fluent in oral and written English.
Nominations and self-nominations may be submitted to the Nominating Committee by sending a current Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a brief description of the candidate’s involvement in Laboratory Hematology service, education, and research to [email protected] with subject: ISLH Councilor Candidate.
After reviewing all applications, the Nominating Committee will propose a slate of Councilors to the Board for a vote. The appointments will be for a three year term, renewable once with Board approval.
We would appreciate receiving nominations by OCTOBER 2, 2015.
Thank you,
Chuck Eby
Chair ISLH Nominating Committee
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