I’ve been given a look at some correspondence between Dave McGlasson, lead researcher at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center in San Antonio and Mary Coleman, Medical Laboratory Science program director at University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. Mary was asking if there is a capillary or whole blood point-of-care (POC) partial thromboplastin time (PTT) method, prompting Dave to check with iStat, Coag-U-Chek and Hemosense. He was unable to turn up a POC device that does PTTs, and likewise he found there is no capillary collection device available for coagulation specimens.
I’ve attached a 1993 article, Whole Blood Collection in Neonates, that describes the BioTrack 12 device that could perform PTTs at that time. Are Dave and Mary correct? Is there no POC device that does PTTs? Are there no capillary collection systems for coagulation specimens? Let me know if you know of any.
Thanks to Dave and Mary for this topic.
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