I was intrigued by the comments related to dextran sulfate added by Gary Bullard andHerb Crown to the falsely elevated anti-Xa discussion that started with a question from an unknown participant on January 17, 2011. Though both Gary and Herb indicated that dextran releases heparin from endothelial cells, I wondered if dextran’s polysaccharide structure could directly interact in the anti-Xa reaction, substituting for heparin. This drove me to PubMed, where I could find no reference linking dextran to heparin or to an elevated chromogenic anti-Xa heparin assay. Likewise, the specialty techs at UAB could not confirm this in their experience. I may be missing something important, so I’m asking Gary, Herb, or anyone else with experience to point us to a publication linking dextran to falsely elevated anti-Xa heparin results. Thanks. Geo.
Jan 24 2011
Comments (3)
Good point, Herb. Lupus anticoagulant interference is just a
Good point, Herb. Lupus anticoagulant interference is just another good reason for moving towards the anti-Xa for routine monitoring of heparin.
The first question that comes to my mind is what is the lupu
The first question that comes to my mind is what is the lupus anticoagulant status of this patient.
Herb Crown
St. Louis University Hospital Coagulation Reference Lab
Is there any more information available on this topic. We h
Is there any more information available on this topic. We have a patient with an elevated anti Xa who they have stopped the heparin drip on but whose PTTs do not correlate.