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Anti-Factor VIIa Inhibitors?

Dr. Michael Steiner posted this question on the MedLab list last week, and with his permission, I am posting it here:

Has the development of an inhibitor to factor VII ever been reported after therapy with recombinant coagulation factor VIIa (NovoSeven)? My provisional statement was “No, it has not…”

PD Dr. med. Michael Steiner
Medizinisches Labor Rostock
D-18059 Rostock

Hello, Dr. Steiner, and thank you for your question. I’ve done a superficial PubMed search and although there are several current reviews of recombinant factor VIIa therapy, none reports the development of an anti-factor VIIa inhibitor. I noticed you received no replies on MedLab, maybe this post will generate a few comments. Geo.

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