Here is a message from Marianne Paradiso:
I recently evaluated Akers’ PIFA heparin/PF4 rapid assay. Currently the HIT test is a send out at our institution. I am curious if others have had a good correlation between this assay and standard ELISA methods. We understand that all positive assays must be confirmed with the ELISA method.
Marianne, I have no experience with the PIFA, although I had heard from a sales person that the first generation devices were somewhat hard to read. It appears Akers has developed a second-generation device. The idea of a rapid turn-around HIT assay is attractive.
We tried the first generation test and were less than impres
We tried the first generation test and were less than impressed but the 2nd generation has done well so far. My colleague at St. Joseph’s Hospital across the street is using it and we are getting pressured to do so. Only thing is that it is darned expensive!
Sue Osier, Northside Hospital, Atlanta