I (Geo) had the pleasure of meeting Santosh Kadel, MS MLS at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston on Thursday, August 9, 2018 while participating in the UTMB Department of Clinical Laboratory Science “Brown Bag” seminar series.
Mr. Kadel is a student in UTMB School of Health Professions’ Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Science curriculum and is the Clinical Laboratory Supervisor for the Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City. Mr. Kadel provided a ground-breaking article, Rothwell PM, Cook NR, Gazaiano JM, et al. Effects of aspirin on risks of vascular events and cancer according to bodyweight and dose: analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials. Lancet 2018; 392:387–99. The article indicates that a standard daily 81 mg dose of aspirin provides no primary cardioprotection in people over 70 kg. From the study, people 70–90 kg may require 325 mg/day and those over 90 kg should receive a higher dose. The article is summarized in the attached August 2, 2018 Medscape article by Steve Stiles (click or tap): Weight-adjusted aspirin dosing: evidence builds in primary prevention. Attendings, house staff, residents, and DCLS students discussed the ramifications of potential aspirin dosing during the daily Coagulation Diagnostic Management Team activity at UTMB Health., led by Michael Laposata, MD, PhD, UTMB Pathology Director.
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