Hello George. I am reaching out from my research institute as we are planning to apply for a grant from the Wellcome Trust. Our project title is “Comprehensive Characterization Of von Willebrand’s Disease in Nigeria; Closing the Gap in Global Bleeding Disorders.” As a collaborator, you will be asked to support the delivery of the project. For example, collaborators could share facilities, provide access to resources, provide expertise in working in different countries, and share subject-specific knowledge and guidance. Collaborators are not paid for their input but can request costs for expenses. In our application, we will need to confirm that you have contacted your proposed collaborators and they are willing to participate. Collaborators do not need to confirm their participation themselves. I will share the proposal with you if you have the time for the collaboration. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Eyiuche D. Ezigbo PhD
Assistant Professor, Haemostasis & Thrombosis unit
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences & Technology
College of Medicine
University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus
[email protected]://www.unn.edu.ng/internals/staff/viewProfile/Mjk1Mw–/1
Please respond with your expression of interest to Dr. Ezigbo at the email address provided.
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