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Nijmegen-Bethesda Test Volumes

This is a follow-up to our 9-30-24 post introducing our October Quick Question, “At what FVIII activity level do you order a Nijmegen-Bethesda inhibitor assay (NBA)?” It occurred to me (Geo) that the demand for NBAs may have diminished with the advent of the FVIII bypassing therapies, HemLibra® (emicizumab), soon to be followed by MIM8 and the RNAi “rebalancing” therapeutics concizumab and fitusiran, all currently in trials. As these therapies bypass FVIII, the need to measure FVIII inhibitors may have become academic, except perhaps in specific clinical applications.

I asked Dr. Chad Siniard, director of the UAB Coagulation Laboratory if he’s seen a decline in NBA orders. It turns out that UAB’s lab scientist Laura Taylor has been tracking their volume for several years and has provided the attached graph. (The 2024 data are YTD.) Please comment below about your lab’s NBA volume. Are we all seeing a decrease?

Below, Dr. Emanual Favaloro responds with a report of his lab’s NBA volumes. Click here to see the graph he references in his comment.


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