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Inflammatory Markers

Here is another cogent comment from a University of Medicine and Dentistry Graduate Student. I didn’t get permission to post the student’s name, will add it later in a comment if permission is granted. We got into a side “conversation” about inflammatory markers and their crosstalk with hemostasis. As you can see, we get into some high-level discussions in this graduate course. Geo.

I found the reference to assays that measure inflammation particularly interesting. I have been recently looking into the availability of such assays. Some current available technologies focus on biomarkers, which include cytokines as well as vascular markers and growth factors, associated with inflammatory responses. The detection of such analytes can be accomplished through various platforms that offer existing and customizable panels. I have primarily been focusing on two different methods: (1) utilizing a mutiplex format that employs capture probes with distinct specificities and electrochemiluminescence detection (available through; and, (2) capture beads with analyte specificities and fluorescence detection by flow cytometry (available through Currently these assays are strictly for research use and not appropriate for diagnostics procedures, however, I agree that it is only a matter of time until assays geared towards measuring inflammation become optimized for diagnostic use!

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Coagulation Factors

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