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HIT Kits

From Ginger Weeden, MLS (ASCP)cm, Bio-Rad Laboratories: George, What heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thrombosis (HIT) testing is available in the US? I’m wondering how many manufacturers there are. Thanks for any information.
Hi, Ginger, and thanks for your question. All the C14 serotonin release assay methods (washed platelets) available from reference labs are laboratory-developed tests. Here are the manufacturers I know who provide immunoassays designed to detect anti-platelet factor-4 (PF4)-heparin antibodies that are associated with HIT :

If I’ve missed any suppliers, I hope our participants will fill us in. Geo

Comments (1)
Anticoagulant Therapy
May 25, 2012 6:15am

Has any research been done on how long a patient with a posi
Has any research been done on how long a patient with a positive HIT test stay positive before turning negative?

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