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Extended Life Cryoprecipitate Fibrinogen

As reported by Amy Carpenter quoting Jay Hudgins, DO, MS, director of hemostasis and thrombosis, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, USA in the August 2024 edition of CAP Today, extended-life cryoprecipitate has several applications.

INTERCEPT®, is the Cerus, Inc. trademark for their materials that crosslink and inactivate bacterial and viral pathogens DNA using  an Amotosalen + UV process described in the package insert. Compared to standard cryoprecipitate’s 4-hour post-thaw ambient temperature shelf-life, INTERCEPT-treated cryoprecipitate has an ambient temperature shelf-life of 5 days and as referenced in the Cerus insert, is indicated for:

• Treatment and control of bleeding, including massive hemorrhage, associated with fibrinogen deficiency.
• Control of bleeding when recombinant or virally inactivated preparations of factor XIII or VWF are unavailable.
• Second-line therapy for VWD.
• Control of uremic bleeding after other treatment modalities have failed.

Here is an open-access article describing pathogen-reduced cryo-precipitated fibrinogen complex: Lu T, Nahata P, Johnson A, et al. Comparison of bacterial risk in cryo AHF and pathogen-reduced cryo-precipitated fibrinogen complex. Pathogens. 2022;11:744. doi: 10.3390/pathogens11070744. PMID: 35889990; PMCID: PMC9317717.

This Transfusion article details extended-life cryoprecipitate implementation: Aidikoff J, Trivedi D, Kwock R, Shafi H. How do I implement pathogen-reduced cryo-precipitated fibrinogen complex in a tertiary hospital’s blood bank? Transfusion. 2024;64:1392–1401. doi: 10.1111/trf.17940. Epub 2024 Jul 9. PMID: 38979964.


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