In reviewing an article by Dave McGlasson, Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, San Antonio, that compares several dilute Russell viper venom (DRVVT) kits for their accuracy in detecting lupus anticoagulant, I noticed that Dave advocates for DRVVT ratio normalization, using the attached formula. I may be behind the times, but this is a new concept to me, and it seems to lend greater accuracy to DRVVT reports. Are you using DRVVT ratio normalization? Does it improve your sensitivity and specificity figures?
Thanks to a heads-up from Stephen Duff, Co-CEO of Precision BioLogic, please seeZhang L, Whitis JG, Embry MB, Hollensead SC. A simplified algorithm for the laboratory detection of lupus anticoagulants: utilization of two automated integrated tests. Am J Clin Pathol 2005;124:894–901, the original article on this subject.
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