On behalf of Dr. Jawed Fareed, the Loyola University Chicago Office of Continuing Medical Education extends an invititation to the Heparin Centennial Symposium: Scientific and Clinical Developments and their Impact on the Understanding of the Pathogenesis of Thrombosis and Its Management. The conference will be held in the Center for Translational Research and Education on Friday, October 28, 2016. Please see the attached program brochure for conference details and registration information. Pre-registration is required for this course and your response is requested by Friday, October 21 to secure your reservation and the availability of course material for this symposium. Please contact the Division of Continuing Medical Education at 708-216-3236 or 800-424-4850 or visit our website at http://ssom.luc.edu/cme/.
Karen L. Bertucci, MEd, CHCP
Sep 22 2016
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Anticoagulant Therapy
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